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Monday, January 12, 2009

Insurance Islma TAIB Road Show - OGDC Seria

Hey all,
i got this email fro ma friend.would like to share this with yall.

Dk Hasriah Wati bte Pg Osman
Tel : 3332445 / 3340252
Fax : 3340251
Email : hasriah.osman@insuranstaib.com.bn

Dear All,
Kindly be informed that Insurans Islam TAIB will be organizing a 1-day Road Show at OGDC Seria on the 18th of January 2009 starting 9.30am to 6.00 pm.
There will games and activities carried out during that day BUT most importantly Insurans Islam TAIB will be given out attractive offer for the participation of Takaful (Insurance) products such as Motor Insurance, Fire, Personal Accident to name a few either for NEW or RENEWAL participation.
The game activities will be held at the Big Top (Open Canvas Area located behind OGDC) while takaful participation will be held at OGDC building and at the theatre.
I provide you all with the leaflets and appreciate if you all can forward these to your friends, family or your contacts.

Thank you very much and see you there.

Dk Hasriah Wati Pg Osman

P/S:Leaflet is not included.

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